Wow. I created this blog almost exactly a year ago. I had this idea in the beginning- an idea that I was going to write about my weight loss journey; I was going to share my story in the hope that I would inspire someone else. Last December, I jumped into this whole new lifestyle headfirst. I had every tool under my belt to keep me motivated and a blog was going to help with that. It wasn’t long before I discovered that my initial instincts with this whole process were ALL WRONG. I never got around to writing a post on this blog because I wasn’t ready to share my story. A lot has changed in the last year. Now I’m ready.
A year ago, I began planning for my annual new years resolution: losing weight. I visited a few gyms last December. Each time, I was greeted at the door by an employee with more brawn than brains. The last gym I was the most economical choice for me- the gym itself, though small, was clean and convenient (probably the top two must-haves on my list). The affordable pricing was paramount because I planned on failure. I watched years come and pass- each one I had the intention of making a change that never came to be. I didn’t know it then, but last year I started motions that have changed me and will continue to change me for the rest of my life.
The first major milestone I achieved that has carried me through this whole process is self-confidence. I didn’t gain that until I started my relationship with a personal trainer. Now, understand, I am the last person I would ever expect to have a personal trainer. Through our course of working together I’ve begun to realize that the people who need trainers the most are the beginners who don’t think they need one. In the beginning, I had no idea what I was doing. I could barely finish ten squats when I met my trainer (and when I did, he told me they were completely inaccurate). The first couple workouts we had together were hell, but I never complained. I struggled, I modified every move, I was gasping for air on the brink of tears, but I never gave up. I was training with a friend at the time- she was lighter and more athletic than I- but she had a mouth. She was complaining and joking with our trainer while we were pounding out push-ups (modified of course!) about how I was so determined to finish the workout. My trainer then responded with something that has stayed with every day since the moment I heard it “It’s because she wants it more”. That was it. I had already convinced someone before I had even convinced myself. He gave me such a gift that day; something I had been missing all along- belief in myself.

This progress photo comparison was created at my 50lb milestone in October. Same outfit, but a very different girl in each picture!
I’m not going to go back through every emotional moment in the last year, through each and every struggle (there have been many, I assure you). That’s not the purpose I have in mind for this blog. I don’t claim to have all of the answers for weight loss. I am no expert. I know what has worked for me, what hasn’t worked for me, and what I’m willing to try. This last year has truly taken me by surprise. I have lost 61 pounds (and counting!), I can run a mile without walking, I finish a training session without crying (most of the time), I quit pop, preservatives, became an extreme calorie-counter, an avid water-drinker, and am becoming more accomplished cooking ridiculously healthy recipes found on Pinterest. I have a lot of people to thank for the support it has taken to get me where I am today. I intend to write about those people, some of my tricks, fitness and nutrition tips, about the milestones I have reached, my plans for the future, and beyond!
you are amazing!